The multitude of hemp building methods

Hempcrete is such a malleable material it can be made into so many building forms for a variety of different needs. From prefabricated new builds were entire exterior walls are premade in factories to premade hempcrete blocks, spray applied for renovations and new builds, or tapping into the walls using forms. As building with hemp gains traction again worldwide with a need to build more ecologically friendly and reduce the ammount of carbon created by the building industry even more products and companies are thriving.

Its a good time to be positive about hemp and the only thing truly standing in the way of its growth is governments lack of insight to embrace and support the industry. By this I mean giving subsidies and incentives for hemp building related businesses, such as has been the case in many countries like Australia. All the real change that happens is at the consumer level were we make the choice of what to invest our money in but also at a deeper level were governments NEED to step in and make hemp building materials and options more affordable and available because they are a SUPERIOR method of building when it comes to preserving our planet.

Its all good and well to talk about building green and trying to recycle correctly on a building site, but when all your materials are shipped in from the other side of the world because of price and lack of local eco alternatives then change will be slow with making the building industry more sustainable.



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