Will 2014 be hemp’s big comeback year?

It’s bizarre to think we are now in the year 2014 yet we are so far behind where we should be on so many issues. Our planets continuous destruction because of our greed, chemicals and seeming less endless hunger for energy (due to the nature of economics) is evident all the time. From the Fukishima disaster to the devastating belo monte dam, which will see the displacement of up to 40 000 people, many of whom rely on the forest for their survival and their way of life will be destroyed so that the economy of Brazil will be healthier. What is more important, a healthy economy or a healthy planet. If an economy is destroying our planet at such potent rate surely we need to look at an alternate economy. One were the most productive resources are used and the affordability and accessibility of essential products for all is focused on.

Hemp can replace so many more harmful and less productive products in our world, from building materials to clothing to plastics. The media did a good job of associating hemp with cannabis and getting high (even though hemp has less than 1% THC) but at what cost, so that the DuPont corporation could pump petrochemical products into the market. Legalising hemp would mean that everyone can have a hand in creating a healthier planet, not everyone can start a plastic company like DuPont, but everyone who has a farm has the possibility to grow hemp. And from that farm are thousands of products that can create thousands of jobs and products. New Jersey state has unanimously approved the hemp legalization legislation bill, Colorado, Vermont, California, and North Dakota have passed laws enabling hemp licensure. Hopefully this will be a year were these states and the rest of the world god willing proves to us all we are choosing to think about the future of our planet and not just the future of a collapsing economy.


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