Hemp in Sweden / Hampa i Sverige

tempMari Elfving was kind to help us find out a bit more about hemp in Sweden.

Why did you become interested in hemp?
Because I have always been a bit of an eco-nerd I was immediatelt drawn to this plant when I heard about it’s properties and many uses.

What response have you had from the public?
Ranging from “Can you smoke these?” about the Rainbow sandals to “Oh! I’ve heard it’s a versatile plant but never knew the extent…”

What challenges do hemp companies have in Sweden?
Finding a way into the mainstream market competing with with known “trustworthy” brands of clothes, cosmetics, building materials etc. Most Swedes follow the stream, especially consumers.

Is the hemp community growing in Sweden?
Yes! Many different groups of sustainable nature are looking into the possibility of using hemp here. F.ex. projects in villages with self-sufficient living. Textile production, energy production, eco-buliding projects.

What are the laws like in Sweden for growing hemp?
All hemp crops must be registered and applicable for agricultural subsidy to be allowed. Random tests are done on crops. But I think consciousness is growing. And that the information is slowly seeping up from the roots of society towards the top.

What do you see for the future of hemp in Sweden.
I think lots of investment is going to be made to develop techniques to take care of the fibers hurds and seeds and then to process these into products like insulation and fiberboard to start with. Maybe also textiles – I get those vibes by all the questions I get from people and companies. It’s a long term plan and commitment however we are waking up slowly but surely to how this is the way for our society to develop sustainably.


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Julius Maske
Julius Maske
4 years ago

i would like to buy 5 kilo of seed for growing in norway

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